Safeguard Your Business with Idaho Commercial Insurance

Are you an Idaho business owner looking for ways to safeguard your commercial investments? 

Idaho commercial insurance is one of the best ways to protect your commercial investments from unexpected events that can end up costing your business thousands of dollars in lost revenue. 

The insurance experts at Insure it All can talk to you about the best commercial insurance options to protect your business. 

Why Idaho Business Owners Need Commercial Insurance

Commercial insurance is a form of business insurance that can help safeguard your business from unforeseen events that can cause work stoppage, disruptions in business operations, and devastating out-of-pocket expenses. 

Idaho Business owners who invest in commercial insurance have protection from natural disasters, on-site accidents, lawsuits, and more. 

A commercial insurance agent can answer your commercial insurance questions and recommend the best policy options for your needs and budget. 

Idaho Commercial Insurance Basics

When you understand the basics, choosing the best commercial insurance isn’t a hassle. 

Property Insurance 

Protect your commercial operations from physical damage to buildings, equipment, and inventory. 

Liability Insurance

Shield your commercial business against legal claims and personal injury lawsuits for accidents that happen on your property. 

Business Interruption

Power outages, natural disasters, floods, and other unforeseen events can cost businesses thousands in revenue. Safeguard your assets with business interruption insurance. 

Workers Compensation 

Accidents happen in all areas of business. Protecting your business and employees with commercial insurance policies that cover medical expenses and lost wages from a worker’s compensation claim is essential. 

Don’t wait until the inevitable happens to insure your Idaho commercial business. 

Get Commercial Insurance in Idaho Falls, ID

Please schedule an appointment with one of our licensed insurance agents at Insure it All and get a commercial insurance quote in Idaho Falls, ID, today! 

Additional Coverage for High-Value Items: Insuring Your Valuables

Safeguarding our homes is essential since they are one of our most significant investments in Idaho Falls, ID. Home insurance policies cover multiple risks and potential damages, but what about high-value possessions that require additional protection? Insure It All explains additional home insurance coverage options for those valuable assets that may not be covered under standard policies. Whether it’s jewelry, art, or collectibles, it’s crucial to safeguard what matters most to you.

High-Value Items and Insurance Coverage

It’s important to know that standard homeowners’ policies have coverage limits for personal property, typically around 50% to 70% of the dwelling’s insured value. However, this coverage limit doesn’t always apply to high-value items like jewelry, artwork, or antiques. You’ll need additional coverage options if your property’s value exceeds the limit.

Scheduled Personal Property Coverage

Scheduled personal property coverage is an insurance add-on that covers specific high-value items listed on the policy. This type of coverage is ideal for expensive items like jewelry, fine art, and collectibles. In the event of a covered loss, the policyholder will be reimbursed for the amount specified in the policy.

Taking Inventory

An inventory of your valuable assets can help determine if you need additional coverage. It’s easy to underestimate the value of jewelry, art, and collectibles. The inventory should include item descriptions, purchase dates, and values. It’s also a good idea to take photos or videos of high-value items and store copies in a safe place.

Protecting your high-value items should be a priority for every homeowner. While standard homeowners’ policies provide coverage for personal property, they may not be enough for high-value items in Idaho Falls, ID. Call Insure It All today for additional coverage to safeguard your treasures.

What Are Idaho State Requirements for Auto Insurance?

If you own a car and live in Idaho Falls, ID, you are legally required to insure your vehicle. Idaho has clear requirements, and if you drive a car without meeting them, you could be subject to hefty fines.

We here at Insure It All want to help, so here’s a quick breakdown of the state rules for auto insurance.


If you are responsible for property damage via your motor vehicle, you will likely be held liable to pay for those damages. As these kinds of injuries can quickly run in the 10s of thousands of dollars, the state of Idaho requires a minimum amount of property damage liability coverage.

According to the state, the minimum you can have in your policy is $15,000 for property damage coverage. That is, your insurance policy will require the insurance company to cover up to this amount of damage.

Personal Injury

If someone is hurt via your motor vehicle, then a different kind of liability coverage comes into play. This coverage can help with medical bills, lost income, and other financial hardships related to your accident.

The minimums for Idaho Falls, ID, are $25,000 per person and $50,000 per accident.

Keep in mind a couple of things about these minima. First, they don’t directly protect you or your vehicle at all. These liability requirements only cover people and property you might harm or damage.

Second, these limits determine how much your insurance provider must pay according to your policy. It’s entirely possible that you could be held liable for money beyond this coverage. In that case, you’re on your own.

Because of that, many people opt for more comprehensive insurance policies that protect themselves, their vehicles, and their liability risks beyond minimum state requirements. If you want to explore all of your options, talk to your Insure It All representative.

Four Benefits of Farm Insurance in Idaho

At Insure It All, we understand that farming is more than just a job – it’s a way of life. With farming being a significant source of income for many families in Idaho, it’s essential to protect yourself from financial loss because of unpredictable events. Here are four benefits of farm insurance that every farmer in Idaho Falls, ID, should know about.

1. Protect Your Property and Equipment

Farms are known for their vast open spaces and significant machinery and equipment. Farm insurance protects a farmer’s property, such as barns, silos, and other structures, from accidents and natural calamities. It also covers the machinery, equipment, and livestock from theft, damage, and fire.

2. Liability Coverage

If a guest or someone visiting your farm gets hurt on your property, they may sue you for damages. Farm insurance provides liability coverage to minimize the financial burden in such cases and protects you from getting sued.

3. Crop Insurance

Farmers in Idaho Falls, ID rely heavily on crops to generate income. But crop damage from natural disasters, weather, pests, and other factors can lead to devastating financial losses. Fortunately, crop insurance can mitigate this risk. It protects your crops against losses because of the previously mentioned natural causes.

4. Livestock Coverage

Livestock is the backbone of any farm, and a single animal’s death can lead to significant losses. Farm insurance provides livestock coverage that covers the value of your death and injuries of animals caused by accidents, disease, or theft.

At Insure It All, we offer a range of farm insurance policies tailored to specific farmer needs. Whether you are a full-time or part-time farmer, our experienced team of insurance experts will help you protect your farm operations with customized insurance coverage.

Is Worker’s Compensation Required in Idaho?

The agents at Insure It All serving the Idaho Falls, ID area want you to be aware that all employers in the state of Idaho with one or more employees must have adequate worker’s compensation in place.

What is Worker’s Compensation?

Worker’s compensation is a type of insurance that will benefit employees of a business or company if they are injured or become sick while working at their jobs. This state law in Idaho says that all employers with at least one employee, whether part-time, seasonal, temporary, or full-time, must have worker’s compensation in place.

What Does Worker’s Compensation Cover?

The Idaho Industrial Commission heads up the state’s workers’ compensation program and is in charge of ensuring employers provide adequate coverage for their workers.

The coverage workers should receive under a worker’s compensation insurance plan include lost wages reimbursement, medical expenses, and even vocational rehabilitation. The medical benefits provided will help pay for their injury or illness, while the lost wages benefit will help pay at least a portion of the injured or sick worker’s lost wages while they are off work. Vocational rehabilitation benefits can help injured workers receive training for a different position if they cannot return to their previous job.

Contact Insure It All

The worker’s compensation insurance agents at Insure It All serving the Idaho Falls, ID area have the experience and knowledge to ensure that you have the correct amount of worker’s compensation insurance for your employees while complying with the state laws governing this type of insurance in Idaho. Call today for an appointment to get your policy started!

Is Toy Insurance Necessary for ATVs?

If you own an ATV or similar recreational vehicle, you’ll want to ensure it to prevent losses and liability. Anyone wishing to learn more about toy Insurance in the Idaho Falls, ID, area can count on Insure It All to provide them with the support and services necessary to protect their investments.

Toy Insurance Coverage 

Toy insurance is designed to cover the outlined risk for recreational vehicles and related items with a higher value. If you have an ATV, you may be required to carry insurance if it is used on the road or can exceed a specific speed. To find out if you need toy insurance in your area for the activities you use it for, you should consult one of our expert insurance agents. 

Keep in mind that anyone investing in ATVs or similar recreational vehicles should consider getting quality insurance to protect their investment. This insurance protects these recreational vehicles much like auto insurance. If there is a covered event, it can prevent any losses.

When you want top-quality toy insurance, our agents can help identify your current and future needs and match you with insurance policies that meet or exceed those needs. We can also provide exceptional customer support after the policy purchase to assist with any changes or submission of claims details. Our goal is to provide superior customer service to each and every individual who looks to us for quality insurance products and services.

Learn More 

If you’re ready to learn more about toy Insurance coverage, contact one of the expert agents at Insure It All. We proudly serve Idaho Falls, ID, and the surrounding areas. Find out how we can help provide security and protect against various risks with high-quality insurance coverage.

Will RV Insurance Cover a Television Inside the RV?

Owning an RV is a fantastic experience. You can take the RV anywhere and check out national parks, campgrounds, and more. RV insurance is one of the more necessary insurance types because there is so much value the RV brings and initial buy-in with their high costs. Owning an RV in Austin, TX, and abroad requires research on RV insurance and understanding if it covers things like televisions inside. The Policy Source can help increase your education about what RV insurance covers and does not.

Contents Coverage

RV insurance brings with it a lot of different coverage types. One of the things that you can add to your RV insurance is what is known as content coverage. With contents coverage, you purchase coverage for the contents inside the RV.

Some of the things that content coverage will insure include electronics, personal effects, and even your television(s).  

With an RV, you will likely spend considerable time within it. You invest in the RV, so it is as comfortable as possible. This can include expensive televisions, sound equipment, furniture, and more. If something happens to the RV, that contents coverage can assist in helping recover the losses.

RV Insurance Before Hitting the Road

You want to have RV insurance before you make a move to hit the road. Whether you are driving from Austin, TX, or elsewhere in the United States, RV insurance can provide you with the necessary protection to help in an unforeseen event. The Policy Source can help further educate you about RV insurance and its benefits.

Does Flood Insurance Cover Other Buildings on my Property in Idaho Falls, ID?

If you live in Idaho Falls, ID, you may wonder whether your flood insurance policy will cover other buildings or structures on your property. Here’s a quick guide to help you understand flood insurance.

Types of Flood Insurance Coverage for Structures on Your Property 

The type of coverage you need depends mainly on the structure you are insuring. Generally speaking, most policies will cover the following types of structures: 

  • Primary Residence – Most flood policies include coverage for your primary residence. This includes damage caused by both sudden and gradual flooding events.  
  • Secondary Structures – A flood insurance policy may also cover secondary structures such as detached garages, sheds, gazebos, and other outbuildings.  
  • Additional Living Expenses – Depending on your policy type, you may also be eligible for additional living expenses if your home is damaged by a flood and needs to be temporarily vacated while repairs are being made.  
  • Contents – Many policies cover any contents inside a structure damaged by flooding (including furniture, clothing, electronics, etc.).  
  • Liability Coverage – Liability coverage helps to protect you from any legal claims that might arise out of a flood-related event (such as if someone slips and falls in a flooded area). Again, this should be verified with Insure It all before purchasing a policy.  

It’s essential to understand what kind of coverage you need based on where you live and any relevant local laws or regulations when purchasing flood insurance for other buildings on your property in Idaho Falls, ID. If you’re looking for more information about the specifics regarding different types of coverage available under these policies or want advice on which option might work best for you, contact Insure It All today!

Importance of Group Benefits Insurance

Many businesses offer employee benefits such as health insurance. They can do that through a group benefits deal from their insurance company. Group benefits insurance is helpful for the employer, the employees, and the insurance company in many ways.

Importance of group benefits insurance for employers:

There are several benefits that the employer gets when offering a group benefits package to their employees. Companies with group insurance show they care more about their employees and attract more potential workers than similar companies that don’t offer group insurance. Employees are more productive, knowing their employer cares for them through their work and benefits. This benefits the employer because confident and happy employees are more productive, which makes the business more money.

Importance of group benefits insurance for employees:

Group benefits insurance has a cheaper premium than individual insurance because there is less risk for the insurance company. Paying less for your premium helps save money while still having the needed coverage. There is less to worry about when you don’t have to worry about the cost of insurance and whether a family member will need medical care. Getting group benefits is easier than buying an individual policy and the cheaper premium.

Importance of group benefits insurance for the insurance company:

Insurance companies prefer group benefits because there is less risk involved with a larger group of people. They still get the premiums but have less of a chance of needing to pay out for a claim.

Contact us

For more information about group benefits insurance, contact us or visit us at Insure It All in Idaho Falls, ID.

Four tips to stay healthy

Staying healthy is one of the most important things you can do in your life. Not only does it help you feel better physically, but it also helps you lead a more productive and happier life. There are plenty of different tips that people can use to stay healthy, and here are just a few of them:

1. Eat well. This means eating foods high in nutrients like vitamins and minerals while avoiding lots of processed ingredients or excess sugar or fat. Eating a balanced diet will give you more energy to keep going throughout the day and help prevent any health issues down the road.

2. Stay active by moving around regularly. Whether doing some physical exercise every day or just getting up and walking around the office a few times throughout the day, staying active can help you stay healthy.

3. Get enough sleep each night. Not getting enough sleep can lead to all sorts of health problems, including issues with your immune system and mental health. Ensuring you get at least seven or eight hours of sleep every night can help keep you feeling happy and healthy for years to come.

4. Manage your stress levels by taking time to relax each day. Whether it’s spending time in nature or practicing meditation or another form of relaxation, ensuring that you take some time out from work and other stresses is essential to staying healthy. If you let your stress levels get too high, you may struggle to remain physically or mentally healthy.

If you would like more tips to stay healthy, call Insure It All a call today. We proudly serve the Idaho Falls, ID area.